Making Waste Productive


Vancouver has just expanded the Food Scraps Recycling Program, marking a significant step toward its Greenest City goals.  This expansion represents another step taken by the City to divert its 40% organic waste stream from landfills and to remove all organics from landfills by 2015. Curbside pick-up of compost in city-supplied yard waste bins has expanded to include proteins such as meat and fish, soiled paper such as pizza boxes, and carbohydrates such as bread. Recycling these wastes contributes to more productive activities including generating nutrient-rich soil, minimizing costs of transporting waste to distant landfills, and reducing pollution from landfills equivalent, says Mayor Robertson, to removing 10,000 cars from the road. In the coming weeks, a plan will be assessed that will require businesses and multi-unit residential buildings to put food scrap recycling in place. This expansion of the Food Scraps Program sets a significant precedent for local governments; being smart about waste and making waste productive.