Unsuspected evidence for current climate science


A team of scientists, lead by Prof. Richard Muller, at the University of California, Berkeley have gathered land temperature data from across 44, 455 dating back as far as 1753. The findings confirm that the earth surface temperature has warmed significantly 1.5C in the past 250 years. The earth system temperature data sets closely match the findings that climate scientists have known for over two decades; that this considerable warming maps most closely with changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide (measured from atmospheric samples and air trapped in polar ice).  While these findings are not new, the unsuspecting team lead by self-proclaimed climate skeptic, Muller, crafted a research design that would offer an alternative to the science that climate change can be attributed to carbon dioxide emissions from human activities. Collecting a swath of data dating back one century further than previous data, taken from multi-varied sites across the earth and statistically analyzing the data by hand rather than by automation provided even more convincing evidence of human-induced climate change. The research validates current understanding of the climate science, further reducing uncertainties and, importantly,  changing Muller's own skepticism on the role of carbon dioxide in earth system warming. Funded in part by the Charles G Koch Foundation, coal magnate and supporter of the Heartland Institute (and Bill Gates), this research has stirred yet another flurry of activity among professional climate skeptics.